On this page you’ll find various advertisements and offers to take advantage of for your business and personal needs. I’ve tried to make sure that each one is relevant and would welcome your suggestions for products or services for which I might additionally provide links.
Build Your Referral Network
Heyo helps you customize fan pages, launch mobile apps, and generate web sites all in one place. Save time and money while you reach more customers, wherever they are. Choose from our 30+ widgets to build and customize your fan page. From coupons and buy buttons to contest and email opt ins. Do it all without using code. You really do have all the power. Just how it should be. Click here for more info.
Advertise on Cultural Oregon to get more visitors to your business.
This web site attracts thousands of people looking for things to do and places to visit all over Oregon’s most popular destinations. Extremely affordable monthly rates for advertising plus advertorials, photos, videos and blogs. See details here.
Just fill out the information below with “cultural” in the Your Subject box to request additional information. It will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
The Marketing Plan Seminar On Line
Now you can take learn the secrets to growing your business through better marketing strategies in the privacy of you home or office with the on line course version at Udemy. For only $79, you get almost an hour of video instruction just like you’d get at a live public or in-company seminar/workshop. Plus the ability to download all of the presentation slides and email questions to Jon Turino who will answer them promptly. Try this great learning mechanism today. Your money back if you are not satisfied that it was worth your time and money.
Get the Marketing Strategy Development e-Book!
This 18-page e-Book outlines the steps you need to take in developing a new marketing plan for your business or for fine-tuning a plan you already have in place.
Just fill out the information below with “e-book” in the Your Subject box to request your free copy. It will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
Automate your office with ImpactOffice.
You’ll get CRM, Video Conferencing, E-Mail Marketing, File Sharing, Website Building and more. Click for free trial.
New! Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy PDF Fillable Worksheets!

Put Jon’s knowledge in marketing planning and strategy development to work for you. Order your electronic copies of these extremely valuable Marketing Planning and Marketing Strategy Worksheets now for the small fee of only $4.95!
These are two of the forms Jon uses during consults with you to make sure that nothing gets missed in the marketing planning and marketing strategy development phases. You can complete them yourself or hire Jon to consult with you for professional assistance in developing better marketing strategies that will help you grow your business.
Wix has everything you need to easily build your customizable Google-friendly website. Click any of the buttons below to get started.
Save Energy While Saving the Earth.
Earth Energy Collective provides solar installations for homes and businesses in NW Oregon and SW Washington. You can lower your energy bills, take advantage of tax credits and help the environment.
Just fill out the information below with “energy” in the Your Subject box to request additional information. It will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
Free Web Marketing Consultation
I can provide my fellow small business owners with a free 1-on-1 consultation from a CenturyLink expert. You can choose between a web site consultation, one on social media 101, or search engine optimization. Just fill out the form below with “internet” in the Your Subject box to request your free consultation session. You will be contacted within 24 hours and I’ll get it set up with you.
Do Webinars, Meetings and Training with Products from Citrix
Pins for showing your support
Click here to order custom pins of any kind.
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