Ewwww! Gross!! – Marketing the Unmarketable
Karen Rice from Myrtle Beach, SC, posted the graphic you see to the left a few days ago. Here’s a snapshot of the conversation as a result of her post:
Jon Turino: Wrong question! Whose brand are you buying? Why? Strength? Softness? Economy? Some other reason? Get it together at http://jonturino.com/probiotic-infographic/ Enjoy!
Monday at 10:32pm, Kathleen O’Mara: I don’t want to know! LOL
Monday at 10:44pm, Kim Henson: I would have never thought of all that, Jon Turino. Guess that’s why you market and I write.
17 hours ago, Kim Henson: Me either, Kathleen O’Mara. Gross.
17 hours ago, Jon Turino: I wouldn’t want to be the marketer for this product either. But the people who are have come up with the bears who (1) shouldn’t use so much and (2) won’t end up with traces on their behinds, the “Enjoy the Go” campaign, using quarters to illustrate strength (with blue water), etc. Now let’s talk about probiotics and gluten free and how they can make your experience in the WC so much more enjoyable that you’ll sing and dance about it on national TV. For more of my “humor” get a copy of http://jonturino.com/packages-pricing/the-a-to-z-blog-book-jon-turino-on-amazon-and-kindle/ . There are 26 articles in it that we can chat about.
14 hours ago, Susan Baiden Chestnut: This one makes me go Hmmm!
9 hours ago, Kim Henson: Susan Baiden Chestnut, it makes me go Ewwww! Lol.
Thus I found the title for this post. And I got to thinking: What other products are really tough to market?
How about medicines for adult rash?
There’s a new TV campaign for men who leak a little after peeing whose tagline is “Protect your manhood.”
And pads for women who might leak a little when they laugh too hard, or cough, or are having their periods have been on the market for years.
Then there are adult diapers for both sexes.
Have I missed anything yet?
These are not generally the kinds of products that people talk about at social gatherings or business networking meetings, folks! They are normally quietly discussed between close friends to whom one trusts a seemingly or potentially embarrassing secret while looking for advice. And, like toilet paper, each has its own features and benefits when it comes to solving the problem – relieving the pain – associated with the condition.
I don’t know how much money advertisers spend on promoting toilet paper but it’s in the multiple millions of dollars per year. As are the expenditures for the other products mentioned above and illustrated in this post.
So what’s my point?
My point is that while everybody buys these things, the ones that get bought most often are the ones that are marketed most successfully. Just because everyone needs it and uses it doesn’t mean that you can expect to sell it without marketing.
If it can’t be found by the consumer or if your brand for your bottom is not “top of mind” when the need to buy it arises then you simply won’t have a viable business.
So let’s give a “hat’s off” – or a “bottoms up” – to the very creative folks who find new ways to market the unmentionables. And please give me a call if you need help marketing your product or service.
As always, thanks for reading and please do make time to comment pro or con.