I’m going to continue posting the materials from my Udemy.com online course entitled The Marketing Plan Seminar so that my followers can get a feel for the kind of work that I can do for them on a consulting basis. If you can’t wait for the installments to be posted you can order the complete course at http://udemy.com/The-Marketing-Plan-Seminar. In the mean time, I hope you will enjoy each small installment and give me a call if doing so triggers something for you where I can be of help. Enjoy!
Why Have A Marketing Plan?

Here’s another question for you and this one is not rhetorical at all. It outlines why you really need to have a formal marketing plan. Have a look and a listen.
If you don’t have a plan it is nearly impossible to reach your goal successfully. Your plan supports your vision for your business and charts the path to lead you from where you are currently to where you want to be.