November 23rd Monday Marketing Minutes

November 23rd Monday Marketing Minutes


The third episode of Monday Marketing Minutes™ was broadcast live via YouTube using Google+ Hangouts On Air.

Here’s a summary of the tips and advice that were included in this episode. You can click on the image above to watch the replay on YouTube at your convenience. And if you have marketing questions you’d like answered you can always send them to me at for inclusion in a future episode of Monday Marketing Minutes.
Slide3The tips presented during the November 23rd, 2015, episode have to do with measuring your marketing. If you can’t measure something it is virtually impossible to improve it so measuring and monitoring are part of the cohesive and comprehensive marketing plan mentioned in the November 16th episode.

There are a great many tools available to you on your website and social media platforms, like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and LinkedIn Statistics and they will work best if you plan your landing pages to take advantage of them.

The idea is to monitor your statistics to see what is working the best and use that information to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t work. It’s not rocket science but it can make a huge difference in the level of success that your marketing campaigns achieve.

Slide4The advice presented during this episode dealt with considering the use of the Power of Free as a marketing strategy or tactic. You can use free things to build interest, build credibility and awareness and even to increase the size of your audience.

Think about it. The bakery that provides free samples sells a lot more muffins or cupcakes or pies or cakes than the one down the street that doesn’t offer them. Free trials are a great way to get people “hooked” on your product so that they will later convert to a version for which you get paid. The same goes for so-called “basic” accounts that give you some, but not all, of the full feature set of the product. These things work and they don’t have to cost a lot of money.

Today’s episode was the first broadcast to include a guest presenter — Mr. Leon Henry from WebStep in the U.K. Leon is a marketing and social media consultant who helps his clients similarly to what I do for mine.

Slide7We also had three questions from an audience member, Nana Bellerud, on the topic of business networking and those were addressed during the audience question portion of the program.

You can watch the replay of the complete broadcast here. Enjoy and please do remember to send me your questions for future episodes of Monday Marketing Minutes. You’ll find links to all past and future episodes HERE.

Hangout on Air Guest Invitation 825x400 CroppedAnd, as always, please do contact me if you’d like help with your marketing plans, strategies, and tactics. I’d love to be of service to you in building your business through better marketing.


November 16th Monday Marketing Minutes

November 16th Monday Marketing Minutes


The second episode of Monday Marketing Minutes™ was broadcast live via YouTube using Google+ Hangouts On Air.

Here’s a summary of the tips and advice that were included in this episode. You can click on the image above to watch the replay on YouTube at your convenience. And if you have marketing questions you’d like answered you can always send them to me at for inclusion in a future episode of Monday Marketing Minutes.

Slide2The tips presented during the November 16th, 2015, episode had to do with understanding that marketing is a process and not an event. Your marketing strategy and tactics need to be well planned in advance of the execution of your plan.

The plan itself must be cohesive if it is to be maximally successful. That means that all of the underlying strategies, tactics, messages and media selection must tie together and have a common look and feel. This applies as well to online marketing via social media and the design of websites and landing pages. The plan must also be comprehensive, covering all the bases in terms of media and messaging.

I also spoke about remembering that marketing involves everyone in the company from corporate management to customer service personnel — including every employee — and not just the marketing department.

Slide3The advice presented during this episode dealt with remembering WHY people buy: based on emotions and supported by logic. The emotions can fall into many categories, including being fed or driven by necessity, need, want, desire or ego. So when the messages are crafted they need to trigger the buying impulses based on the emotions you think will be strongest for your product or service.

I used some slides from my Probiotic Marketing™ presentation/infographic to illustrate these points. People buy things — or do anything else for that matter —  based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Thus, you need to craft your message to match the level of need — physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and the self-actualization levels — if you are to be successful. The three slides that followed in the broadcast were used to illustrate these points.

You can watch the replay of the complete broadcast here. Enjoy and please do remember to send me your questions for future episodes of Monday Marketing Minutes. You’ll find links to all past and future episodes HERE.

Hangout on Air Guest Invitation 1000x485And, as always, please do contact me if you’d like help with your marketing plans, strategies, and tactics. I’d love to be of service to you in building your business through better marketing.


November 9th Monday Marketing Minutes

November 9th Monday Marketing Minutes


The first episode of Monday Marketing Minutes™ was broadcast live via YouTube using Google+ Hangouts On Air.

Here’s a summary of the tips and advice that were included in this episode. You can click on the image above to watch the replay on YouTube at your convenience. And if you have marketing questions you’d like answered you can always send them to for inclusion in a future episode of Monday Marketing Minutes.

Slide2The tips presented during the November 9th, 2015, episode had to do with analyzing your current customer base so that you can find out who your best customers are and why they are your best customers. With this information in hand, you can then craft a strategy to find more customers like them from other sources.

Knowing who your best customers are, what they are buying and, perhaps most importantly, why they are buying is critical to identifying places to locate additional members of your most successful target markets, crafting messages that will resonate with those prospects the way your current messaging is working with your current top customers and using the right media for reaching new audiences containing prospects who best fit your target customer profile.

Slide3The advice presented during this episode dealt with the message development step in crafting the most effective messages — messages that not only appeal to the logic the customer uses to justify purchasing what you are selling but also to the emotions — the belly — that trigger the buying impulse. Both elements must usually be present to motivate an immediate purchase.

It’s also critical to understand WHY people buy things in order to craft the right message for them. Eliminating a problem or alleviating pain is often a good strategy, depending on the product or service being offered. Other good inducements include reducing fear of loss, desire for gain, the need for comfort and convenience, the satisfaction of emotional needs and the creation of a better lifestyle or life condition.

You can watch the replay of the complete broadcast here. Enjoy and please do remember to send me your questions for future episodes of Monday Marketing Minutes. You’ll find links to all past and future episodes HERE.

Hangout on Air Guest Invitation 1000x485

And, as always, please do contact me if you’d like help with your marketing plans, strategies, and tactics. I’d love to be of service to you in building your business through better marketing.


What Can I Do For You?

What Can I Do For You?


How can I help you? How may I be of service? What might you need that would make your life easier, more productive, more profitable or more fun? What keeps you awake at night?

These are the kinds of open-ended questions that are designed to get to the root cause of a person’s needs, wants and desires so that you can help them — either personally, professionally or with your business product or service.

Years ago, when I was selling pianos and electronic organs in my father’s music store I learned the value of open-ended questions. If, for example, you ask someone “Can I help you?” there are multiple possible answers other than the “Yes” that you are looking for. “No,” “Not now,” and “I’m fine” come to mind.

Not very conducive to furthering the conversation — or the sales process. And if you can’t “sell” someone you can’t help them. I am a believer in what is often called education based marketing. That means that I promote the idea that you provide enough up-front valuable information to your prospective clients or customers to establish yourself as a “trusted advisor” so that WHEN they need what you offer that they choose you.

My work in helping my clients identify their true target markets, crafting messages that will resonate with the people in those markets and selecting the right media for delivering those messages led me to develop an infographic call “Probiotic Marketing.” The name came from watching a TV commercial for yogurt of all things, but the idea is to get to the guts of the client. Yes, it’s a play on words, but hopefully one that will be remembered. And the “gist” of the method is illustrated in the three drawings below.



































The idea is to map your messages about your product or service to the right levels in the hierarchy of needs and to craft those messages using words that will resonate with the emotional (e.g., gut level) level of the prospective buyer. Pretty simple. But not always easy.

When you think about your marketing it might be useful to consider how asking the right questions can help you learn to map your messages to your markets.

I hope you found this information helpful and I welcome your feedback.

Your APATHY Is Killing Your Future!

Warning! This post is not politically correct!

Apathy Image

Hey, you! Yes, you! Listen up! I’m talking to you! Pay attention!

Your future depends on it! Don’t make me take you by the shoulders and shake you to get you to listen to me! READ THIS and act upon it!

If you don’t, you are part of the problem I am talking about in this post. So goodbye. Don’t complain to me or to anyone else about your lot in life if you are too apathetic to read this post and act upon it. You deserve what you get. What other people deign to give you.

Are you happy with the way things are going in your life, your job, your city, county, state and country? If you can answer “yes” to that question I would really like to meet you and find out how you have achieved such peace, success, happiness, prosperity and nirvana.

If not, what are you doing about it?

I think that many of the so-called “leaders” in this country have gone nuts. They send people to foreign countries to die. Then they refuse to take care of them when they come home wounded and damaged. What are you — yes you, personally — doing about it? My guess is nothing. Because you are apathetic.

Our “leaders” have this country spending huge amounts of money on weapons — many of them unnecessary and unwanted. Half of those amounts could wipe out hunger and poverty in this country in a day! What are you — yes you, personally — doing to make that happen? My guess is nothing. Because you are more interested in how you might get some of that money than in the larger picture. You’re not apathetic when it comes to getting some for yourself, are you? But your apathy sure comes into play when someone you don’t know is affected.

We send money to our “enemies” so that they can buy weapons from us to start wars with our “friends” who also buy weapons from us. Then we lament such terrible losses of life. Bullshit, I say! Stop the hypocrisy! Stand up and say “enough!”

But are you doing that? You don’t know these people tens of thousands of miles away who’ve been killing each other for thousands of years and are, frankly, never going to stop. They breed, preach and practice hate, for heaven sake. They always have and they always will!

Why are we sending them money for weapons without building a wall around them? Then they can kill each others to their heart’s content. And, hopefully, there won’t be enough of them left to hurt the rest of us. When was the last time you stood up and loudly told our “leaders” that enough is enough? My guess is that most of you answer that question with “never.” You’re just plain too apathetic.

Maybe you’re just too enthralled and engaged with the latest high-tech gadgets, or the fanciest cars, or the newest fads to worry about tomorrow. Or your fellow human beings. If that’s you, enjoy it while you can. Because your apathy is eventually going to kill that lifestyle. And your future.

Or maybe, like many of us, you’re just very busy urgently trying to scratch out a living in this crazy world to make time to do the important things that will benefit us all in the long term. I can empathize with that, even while I’m ranting about all this other stuff. But it doesn’t mean you get to be apathetic when it comes to the political, economic and environmental issues that are going to affect your children and their children. We need to pay attention to both the urgent and the important, no matter how difficult that is!

We have people in positions of power in the federal and state governments who are just plain nutso (a non-politically correct term for out of their “f-ing” minds)! They are convinced that making sure that we are all armed with automatic weapons will lower the rate of deaths by bullets. In Colorado, for crying out loud, you can be made to pay for damages to the gun and ammunition sellers if you sue them because one of their customer’s guns or bullets killed your kids!

The governor of Texas thinks that the federal government is getting ready to invade the state and then sell it to Mexico — or China? What kind of people elected this kind of idiot? Crazy people. What kind of people can get rid of this kind of idiot? Sane people. But the sane people are totally apathetic! So they don’t vote these kinds of fools out of office. They simply suffer and complain. And a lot of good that does. And this kook wants to run for the office of the President of the United States! Maybe we should send them overland in big boats to China as the former Governor or Alaska once suggested.

Don’t even get me started on women’s rights! Some of “our” people in the US Congress and the Senate don’t believe that women should have the right to methods to prevent pregnancy. Nor to abort unwanted pregnancies — even those caused by rape. Some of these people actually think that there is such a thing as “legitimate” rape! Where do these people come from and why are they still in positions of power? Because we — and I include myself — have been too apathetic to throw the bastards out!

They pay for Viagra so that men can screw women for hours on end, whether the women want it or not. But they don’t want to pay for birth control. And they don’t want to pay for care for the illegitimate children that result from these kinds of activities. They don’t have a clue that their own votes as supposed representatives of “the people” are so screwed up as to classify them as psychopaths! But have we gotten rid of them? Nope.


We have got to put a stop to the craziness! We have got to begin to speak the truth again — political correctness be damned! We have got to reject bullshit in the media when it is clearly biased bullshit! We have got to reject religious zealots who pervert the preachings of their “Gods” to justify hate and genocide! We have got to stop letting people who wish to live in America continue to bad-mouth it and try to destroy it. We have got to get our leaders to stop giving money to these fanatics.

Standing up, saying “enough is enough,” voting out the crazies and the greedy and the pocket liners — and their corporate backers — may mean some short-term pain. But it will certainly lead to some long-term gain! If WE — YOU and ME — stand up and force the needed changes to happen. If we can find a way to overcome our apathy.

We have got to stop people in Congress from betraying the Social Security contract with the American people. This contract IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT! We who have worked all our lives, and who continue to work — voluntarily or out of necessity — have paid, and continue to pay, billions of payroll dollars into this fund so that we will have something to support us when we are forced to retire. SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT and the irresponsible misogynists current in power need to be made to understand that or they need to be removed from their offices.

THERE ARE SOLUTIONS TO THESE PROBLEMS! This country was built on creating and implementing solutions that increased productivity and prosperity. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. If we can get rid of the impediments — many of our current “leaders.” But voter turnout is at all time lows. Why? Because we are simply apathetic! Or too burdened but what these “leaders” have done to us to have the time, energy and money to stand up to them and say “NO MORE!”

The 1% have the money and the power to keep these people in power. They own our elected representatives. They own our economy. They own us! If you’ve never listened to George Carlin, may he rest in peace, you should do so now. Unless you don’t care. Unless you think someone else should or will solve these problems. But if you don’t do it, who will? Nobody.


On a personal level, are you saving enough money to support yourself when you are too old to work? Or when you are forced out? Or when you are replaced? The time to start taking care of that issue is now! Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month and not next year. NOW! Because I don’t think that we’re going to find a cure for apathy anytime soon. And that means that we had all better start looking out for ourselves. No one else will, especially those who run our country and our economy. The vast majority of these people are only out for themselves.

Do you have enough life insurance to support your loved ones if you get hit by a bus — or a beer truck — tomorrow? If not, you should probably rectify that situation. And not tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. NOW! Because safety nets from our government are going to continue to disappear.

Do you have disability insurance to replace your income if you are injured or become seriously ill for a long time? I don’t mean group disability from your company, which may pay for injury but not for sickness and will maybe pay for 60% that will be taxed so that you are forced to live on 40% of your normal take-home pay. I mean disability insurance coverage to fill that 60% gap that YOU OWN!

Have I got your attention yet? I really don’t mean to be a “the sky is falling” kind of guy. But at my age — 68, by the way — I’ve seen way too much and, according to my spouse, spent way too much time yelling at the television when I hear about what is going on. I don’t consider myself a conspiracy nut, but I sure do wonder what is happening behind the scenes when our attention is directed to the trumped-up crisis or disaster of the day.

I know, there are many who will say that we can’t do anything about that. Why should we try? As individuals, is it true that we don’t have the resources or the power to fix things? Is the system too big and destined grind us down? Does that mean that we just shouldn’t try? I don’t think that it has to be this way! I believe we can make things better. It will take work but it can be done. To believe otherwise is to surrender. To become totally apathetic.

So I say it this one last time in conclusion: YOUR APATHY WILL KILL YOUR FUTURE! Please don’t let that happen. I have decided to fight in every way that I can and I hope I can inspire you to do the same. Let’s not let the bastards grind us down. Let’s register to vote. Let’s vote! Let’s expose the crazies for who they are and get rid of them. Let’s insist that our leaders work for us and not just for themselves. Let’s insist that they honor the commitments this country has made to us — and especially to the members of our armed services who defend us.

Let us seize each day by doing at least one small thing to make the world a better place. Because if I don’t do it nobody else will. And that goes for you, too.

My New Book for You – Inspiration Now!

My New Book for You – Inspiration Now!

I spent the month of December, 2014, working on a labor of love in the form of my newest book, Inspiration Now!

Inspiration Now! helps its readers define and implement their dreams and desires for personal and professional happiness and success. It explains the process of visualizing and planning to achieve results no matter what the goal. It talks about time and life management issues and explains how to develop practical, workable goals, strategies and tactics for achieving these objectives.

Filled with engaging stories from the author’s own personal experiences, the book illustrates the importance of practicing to gain the skills a person needs to succeed, provides hints for maximizing personal performance and talks about the importance of celebrating successes. Central to the book’s theme is the description of how to use visual image formation to make the reality you’d like to live actually happen.

It is in itself an inspiring book that will help the reader realize the “magic” provided by the advice and empower him or her to achieve whatever it is that they desire.

Here’s what some of the early reviewers had to say about Inspiration Now!

“LOVED the book!! “Inspiration Now!” is a must read for all who are interested in success, happiness, and making a difference in the world. This book has become my newest addition of books to read over and over again, along with other greats like “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Very inspirational and thoughtful, the book is easy to read; Jon’s use of stories based on his own experiences make’s it quite entertaining.” — Becky Tengwall, Co-Founder, I Take The Lead

“I have always been honored to call Jon Turino a friend and mentor. His book should inspire all of us to follow our ‘Why.’ Thank you, Jon for the ‘kick in the rear.’” – JimTeasley, SendOutCards

“This book has helped me surge forward with my goals and my dreams. Thank you, Jon, for putting your words of wisdom and encouragement in this powerhouse of a book. This will be a ‘go to’ book when we stumble across our doubts, fears and uncertainties.” – Judith Lind, Portland, OR

“Whether you are building your own future or helping others with theirs, this book is a valuable tool for creating a vision that is authentic, powerful and meaningful.” –Stephanie Austin,

“Does the world really need another motivational guide? Absolutely! Because for those of us who seek personal and professional growth, the simple daily habit of reading books just like this can be tremendously powerful. Jon Turino skillfully picks up the torch carried by the likes of Bob Proctor and Earl Nightingale before him, sharing lessons from his own achievements and providing tools and structure for his readers to discover and act on their own inspirations.” – David Baer,

Inspiration Now! is available from at

You’ll find more inspiration per page in this book than anything you’ve read before. You’ll love the little, boxed bits of advice that appear throughout and you’ll experience a lifetime of wisdom condensed into a wonderfully easy-to-read book! This is an absolute gem of a book. A must read for sure! Click Here to order your copy now!

P.S.: Please SHARE this with those you know who could use a little Inspiration Now!


Ewwww! Gross!! — Marketing the Unmarketable

Toilet PaperEwwww! Gross!! – Marketing the Unmarketable

Karen Rice from Myrtle Beach, SC, posted the graphic you see to the left a few days ago. Here’s a snapshot of the conversation as a result of her post:

Jon Turino:  Wrong question! Whose brand are you buying? Why? Strength? Softness? Economy? Some other reason? Get it together at Enjoy!

Monday at 10:32pm, Kathleen O’Mara:  I don’t want to know! LOL

Monday at 10:44pm, Kim Henson:  I would have never thought of all that, Jon Turino. Guess that’s why you market and I write.

17 hours ago, Kim Henson:  Me either, Kathleen O’Mara. Gross.

17 hours ago, Jon Turino: I wouldn’t want to be the marketer for this product either. But the people who are have come up with the bears who (1) shouldn’t use so much and (2) won’t end up with traces on their behinds, the “Enjoy the Go” campaign, using quarters to illustrate strength (with blue water), etc. Now let’s talk about probiotics and gluten free and how they can make your experience in the WC so much more enjoyable that you’ll sing and dance about it on national TV. For more of my “humor” get a copy of . There are 26 articles in it that we can chat about.

14 hours ago, Susan Baiden Chestnut: This one makes me go Hmmm!

9 hours ago, Kim Henson: Susan Baiden Chestnut, it makes me go Ewwww! Lol.

Thus I found the title for this post. And I got to thinking: What other products are really tough to market?

Hemorroids CreamsHow about hemorrhoid creams?

How about medicines for adult rash?Adult Rash Cream

There’s a new TV campaign for men who leak a little after peeing whose tagline is “Protect your manhood.”Guard Your Manhood

And pads for women who might leak a little when they laugh too hard, or cough, or are having their periods have been on the market for years. Panty Liners

Then there are adult diapers for both sexes.

Have I missed anything yet?

These are not generally the kinds of products that people talk about at social gatherings or business networking meetings, folks! They are normally quietly discussed between close friends to whom one trusts a seemingly or potentially embarrassing secret while looking for advice. And, like toilet paper, each has its own features and benefits when it comes to solving the problem – relieving the pain – associated with the condition.

I don’t know how much money advertisers spend on promoting toilet paper but it’s in the multiple millions of dollars per year. As are the expenditures for the other products mentioned above and illustrated in this post.

So what’s my point?

My point is that while everybody buys these things, the ones that get bought most often are the ones that are marketed most successfully. Just because everyone needs it and uses it doesn’t mean that you can expect to sell it without marketing.

If it can’t be found by the consumer or if your brand for your bottom is not “top of mind” when the need to buy it arises then you simply won’t have a viable business.

So let’s give a “hat’s off” – or a “bottoms up” – to the very creative folks who find new ways to market the unmentionables. And please give me a call if you need help marketing your product or service.

As always, thanks for reading and please do make time to comment pro or con. Featured Author on Business 2 Community

Great ideas ad for The A to Z Blog Book
Order Your Copy Today! Hard Copy $24.95 at, Kindle e-book version for only $9.95 at

The 2013 A to Z Blog Posts

2013 A to Z Blog Book Cover - Print VersionThe 2013 A to Z Blog Posts

The 2013 A to Z blog posts have been moved to electronic and printed books called The A to Z Blog Book now available on Kindle in electronic form and from Amazon in print form.


The Kindle Electronic Version is available at no charge until May 28th.  If you act fast you’ll save $3.95. All I ask is that you write a review.2013 A to Z Blog Book Kindle Cover

You’ll love this book!  Order your copies today!

Here is the information on the Amazon Print Version available for $24.95:

The A to Z Blog Book: 26 Articles to Entertain, Inform and Intrigue you. Order The A to Z Blog Book - Print Version

Authored by Jon Turino
List Price: $24.95
6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Full Color on White paper
112 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1489552747
ISBN-10: 148955274X
BISAC: Business & Economics / Marketing / General
26 Articles to Entertain, Inform and Intrigue You. Starting with the letter “A” for The Power of the Word “ASK” and ending with the letter “Z” for Zero, Zip, Zilch, this book includes another twenty-four articles ranging from Decisions, Decisions… to Emotions, Empathy and Engagement, KISS — As In Keep It Simple Silly (or other “S” words), The Likeability Factor, How’s Your Perspicacity?, Truth, Trust and Transactions and many more.
You’ll love this book!  Order your copies today!

Contents include:

  1. The Power of the Word “Ask”
  2. “B” is for Benefits…
  3. The “C” Words
  4. Decisions, decisions…
  5. Emotions, Empathy and Engagement
  6. Features, Flash and Other “F” Words
  7. Go for the Guts
  8. “H” is for Help
  9. iWords
  10. Jargon and Junk
  11. KISS — As In Keep It Simple Silly (or other “S” words)
  12. The Likeability Factor
  13. Markets, Messaging and Media
  14. Networking Necessities, Niceties and No-No’s
  15. Are You Omniscient?
  16. How’s Your Perspicacity?
  17. Questions, questions, questions…
  18. Are You Responsive to Your Customers?
  19. Success Stories and Strategies
  20. Truth, Trust and Transactions
  21. Usury of a Different Kind
  22. Voracious, Vexing and Very, Very Necessary
  23. Wondering Why
  24. X-Ray Vision
  25. YOU Deserve Some Thanks!
  26. Zip, Zero, Zilch



Time for a Commercial Break

cropped-JTphoto+Logo_940x198.jpgTime for a Commercial Break

I spent some time today putting together a set of small videos that I’d like to share with you. Some have to do with free offers – the website Event Calendar and the Marketing Strategy Development e-Book – and others have to do with asking you to spend some money with me.

The very inexpensive offers are The Piano Story and the Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy Worksheets. Very inexpensive and very, very useful to you.

The more expensive offers have to do with the Instant Strategy Session and the Monthly Mentoring Mode. Certainly more costly but much more in depth and personalized service for you.

I’d love to do business with you and I hope you’ll both enjoy these short videos and respond to their calls for action. Because I could use the business and I’m betting that you could use the help! Just click the links above to visit the applicable pages and view the videos.

Thanks for reading – and watching. And please do let me know what other products and services that you would find useful.

Smite Those Tactics!

Whac-a-Mole ImageMarketing tactics are insidious and prolific. They keep popping up on what seems like an almost daily basis. SEO. Content. Backlinks. Tracklinks. PPC. AdWords. Promoted posts. Featured items. Offers. Text messages. Mobile apps. Interactive cable TV. Webinars. Teleseminars. e-Books. On-demand presentations. Gadgets, widgets and plug-ins. And the list could easily go on. In fact it does go on!

Are you inundated by the latest “must have” tactics in your marketing strategy mix? If so, I suggest that you smite those tactics until you step back and take a broader view of your overall marketing strategy. Don’t succumb to the siren song of any new tactic until you figure out if it will do you some good.

To whom are you marketing? Are you in the B2B or B2C business? What are the demographics of your markets in terms of age, occupation, income and interests? What kinds of activities are your prospects interested in and how do they find out about them? Mightn’t that information provide some valuable insights to guide you in the selection of your messages and the media you use to deliver them?

Who buys the largest quantities of what you sell, and where can you find more of those kinds of customers? Are there uses for your products or services outside your existing customer base that could be exploited with new messaging? Would new media selection help your message go viral? Is going viral what you want? Can you support that level of activity?

The right hierarchy for your marketing strategy decisions is goals first, strategy second and tactics third. So if those tactics are distracting you or diluting your overall goal and strategy work then I suggest you smite them until it’s time to consider which of them you’ll actually want to implement to support your plans.

Comments, as always, are solicited and thanks for reading.

Featured Author on Business 2 Community